Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Break The Fast Already!

So it still shocks me when clients say they don’t eat breakfast, SERIOUSLY?!   Some do it as a means to lose weight, some argue they don’t have time and others are just so used to not eating breakfast that they simply don’t like it or they feel weird eating so early.
Whatever the reason may be skipping breakfast is a recipe for disaster!!

Skipping breakfast has a similar effect to starving yourself. It slows down your metabolism because your body conserves energy and burns only what is absolutely necessary until fuel becomes available. Obviously if you’re trying to lose weight this is the last thing you want.

Skipping breakfast increases your chances of bingeing on whatever is available when those hunger pangs finally hit and when by this time you’re so hungry that you will eat ANYTHING and not think twice about it.

Skipping breakfast makes you grouchy. Studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be in better moods. Breakfast gets you started on the right track for the day.

The consequences of not eating a healthy breakfast don't just affect you during the morning hours before lunch. It is proven that they have an impact on you all day long:
•Tiredness or likelihood of experiencing fatigue early in the day
•Inability to focus
•Decreased alertness
•Less memory capacity
•Higher chance of irritability or restlessness

If our brain is not fed, it will act in a slow and sluggish manner, which will impact greatly on the rest of our body.
The brain requires glucose or blood sugar to provide it with energy to function, whilst the muscles of our body need glucose to activate them and get the body working physically.
Our body needs a healthy breakfast packed full of vitamins and nutrients whilst also providing energy and fuel for the brain

Breakfast is your first opportunity of the day to fuel your body and wakeup your metabolism to start burning the most calories possible. Your choices are not limited to cereal, eggs, or muffins. You can pretty much have anything for breakfast, whether it’s leftovers from the night before anything goes really possibilities are endless so long as you don’t reach for junk food first thing but that’s a whole different topic in itself lol
There's always time for breakfast. If you don't think you have the time, you may just have to plan ahead or think outside the box to fit breakfast into your routine. By taking a few minutes out of your evening the night before, you can prepare simple things or lay items out for breakfast the next day. For instance, a breakfast casserole can be made the night before and provide a good for breakfast the next two or three days or fruit can be cut up and prepared to take with you with some nuts.  Planning ahead can save you from filling up on empty calories that your body will end up storing as fat.
Try and consume some form of protein in the morning, as protein balances blood sugar levels; studies have also proven that concentration levels are enhanced if some form of protein in consumed during the breakfast meal. Excellent sources of protein, which can be incorporated into your breakfast are eggs, nuts, seeds, whey protein powders, quinoa, and you can even have a piece of fish or chicken. Eggs are a particularly rich source of choline (B vitamin), which the body converts into acetyl-choline, a neurotransmitter found in the brain. Eating a protein packed filling healthy breakfast ensures you will not resort to unhealthy choices for the rest of the day and keep your brain on the right track J
For those of you who really don't like to eat breakfast, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Eat a hardboiled egg at home, and an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts.  Do it and notice the difference!
I usually get really wound up about this topic especially when clients cry to me about wanting to lose weight and blame it on “hormones” “menopause” “slow metabolism” …. meanwhile they’re skipping the most important meal of the day!  I don’t like excuses because I think everyone can make it possible to have something for breakfast.  Personally I wake up and I don’t leave my house unless I’ve had my breakfast which is normally an egg white psyllium fiber cinnamon crepe that I top with different fruit (I <3 my breakfast) and if I’m really super pressed for time which happens I’ll have a few table spoons of shelled hemp heart seeds and I’m good to go!
So stop SKIPPING BREAKFAST PEOPLE!!!!  It’s for your own good  
Oh and I've got tons of yummy breakfast recipes that I will add soon ... blueberry protein pancakes, coconut quinoa porridge, protein cinnamon french toast, quinoa muffins, coconut egg white souffle YUM!!!  ...so stay tuned for these J 

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