Monday, December 19, 2011

YOGA my cure to everything in life

Sometimes life gets hectic and we’re overwhelmed with all kinds of stresses and challenges and it throws our body, mind and spirit completely out of whack…then throw in the holiday season and things can get really messy!   
I can personally relate because last week my grandma who hasn’t been well after many strokes and has been staying at my house, fell off her bed in the middle of the night.  My first instinct of course was to help her up right away I mean who logically thinks about anything else at 3am.  So NOT taking into consideration that she’s over 200lbs and I’m just under 100lbs, I tried with all my strength to lift her up.  Unfortunately not only was I unsuccessful with getting her up I also injured my shoulder L
Or so I though was just my shoulder.  Turns out there’s more to it as it’s been progressively worsening on me.  There’s so much inflammation that it’s seems to be pressing on my nerves, so the pain which was just my shoulder at first now start from my right hip up the right side of my back to my neck across the right side of my chest and down my whole right arm to my finger tips L
I have a pretty high tolerance of pain but this was a bit much for me so I resorted to muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory pills. 
So I’m still in pain but healing and in recovery mode thankfully J … My grandma is in the hospital and Christmas is less than a week away and just sooo much going on AHHH could drive a girl crazy!!
Anyways the point of this post is to say that I’m so grateful for everything in my life and all because of YOGA!!

I’ve had my first practice since the injury and already feel a world of difference it’s truly amazing! 

Here are SOME of the many health benefits of yoga and why YOU should start today!

From lowering blood pressure to increasing pain tolerance, the following health benefits can all be discovered within the body and within your life.

  • Posture:  The very nature of yoga teaches the practitioner how to hold and control one’s body in a more healthful position. Through consistent practice, your posture will improve so that you look more confident and healthy.
  • Strength: One of the premises of yoga is that you are using the weight of your own body for overall strength
  • Energy:  Regular yoga practice provides consistent energy. In fact, most yogis state that when you perform your yoga correctly, you will feel energized after your yoga session rather than tired.
  • Weight:  The benefits of a better metabolism along with the exercise of yoga work to keep your weight in check. Additionally, the stretching of muscles longwise helps to reduce the amount of CELLULITE that can build around muscles.
  • Immunity:  Yoga practice strengthens the immune system.
  • Pain:  Pain tolerance is much higher among those who practice yoga regularly. In addition to pain tolerance, some instances of chronic pain, such as back pain, are lessened or eliminated through yoga.
  • Metabolism:  Having a balanced metabolism results in maintaining a healthy weight and controlling hunger. Consistent yoga practice helps find the balance and creates a more efficient metabolism.
  • Sleep:  Because of the many benefits to both body and mind that a yoga routine can provide, many find that their sleep is much better.
  • Balance:  An integral part of the yoga practice is balance and control over your body. With a consistent practice, you will find that your overall balance will improve outside the yoga class.
o   Blood pressure:  A consistent yoga practice decreases blood pressure through better circulation and oxygenation of the body.
o   Pulse rate:  A slower pulse rate indicates that your heart is strong enough to pump more blood with fewer beats. Regularly practicing yoga provides a lower pulse rate.
o   Circulation: Yoga improves blood circulation. By transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout your body, yoga practice provides healthier organs, skin, and brain.
o   Respiratory:  Like the circulatory system, a lower respiratory rate indicates that the lungs are working more efficiently. Yoga decreases the respiratory rate through a combination of controlled breathing exercises and better fitness.
o   Cardiovascular endurance:  A combination of lower heart rate and improved oxygenation to the body (both benefits of yoga) results in higher cardiovascular endurance.
o   Organs: Yoga practice massages internal organs, thus improving the ability of the body to prevent disease. Additionally, an experienced yoga practitioner becomes better attuned to her body to know at first sign if something isn’t functioning properly, thereby allowing for quicker response to ward off disease.
o   Aging:  Yoga stimulates the detoxification process within the body. Detoxification has been shown to delay aging, among many other health benefits.
o   Integrated function of the body:  Yoga is derived from Sanskrit and means "to join together and direct one’s attention." This is exactly what happens to your body after you start practicing yoga. The body works together much better, resulting in more graceful and efficient body movements.
o   Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead to improved posture and greater self-confidence.
o   Calmness. Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing calmness. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching how you breathe and disengagement from your thoughts, which help calm the mind.
o   Low risk of injury:  Due to the low impact of yoga and the controlled aspect of the motions, there is a very low risk of injury during yoga practice compared to other forms of exercise.
o   Parasympathetic Nervous System:  In many forms of exercise, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, providing you with that fight-or-flight sensation. Yoga does the opposite and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic system lowers blood pressure and slows the pace of your breathing, which allows relaxation and healing.
o   Muscle tone:  Consistently practicing yoga leads to better muscle tone.
o   Core strength:  With a strong body core, you receive better posture and overall body strength. A strong core helps heal and reduce injuries. This is why a lot of athletes do yoga as cross training (boxers, MMA fighters, etc).
o   Sexuality:  Yoga can improve your sexuality through better control, more relaxation, and more self-confidence.
o   Mood:  Overall well-being improves with yoga practice. The combination of creating a strong mind-body connection, creating a healthy body, and focusing inward can all lead to improvement in your mood.
o   Stress Reduction:  The concentration required during yoga practice tends to focus your attention on the matter at hand, thereby reducing the emphasis you may have been putting on the stress in your life.
o   Anxiety:  One benefit to the controlled breathing used in yoga is a reduction in anxiety.
o   Depression:  Negative feelings that you may be repressing are brought to the surface during some of yoga asana’s. When this happens, the negative energy is no longer stuck within you, but released through exercise. Regularly releasing this negativity leads to a reduction of depression.
o   Self-acceptance:  Focusing inward and realizing through your yoga practice that perfection is not the goal, self-acceptance begins to take over.
o   Self-control:  The controlled movements of yoga teach you how to translate that self-control to all aspects of your life.
o   Mind-body connection:  Few other exercises offer the same mind-body connection that yoga does. As you match your controlled breathing with the movements of your body, you retrain your mind to find that place of calm and peace.
o   Positive outlook on life:  Continued practice of yoga results in a balance of many hormones and nervous system, which brings about a more stable, positive approach to life.
o   Concentration:  Researchers have shown that as little as eight weeks of yoga practice can result in better concentration and more motivation.
o   Memory:  Improved blood circulation to the brain as well as the reduction in stress and improved focus results in a better memory.
o   Attention:  The attention required in yoga to maintain the structured breathing in conjunction with yoga poses sharpens the ability to keep a sharp focus on tasks.
o   Social skills:  In yoga, you learn the interconnectedness of all of life. Your yoga practice soon evolves from a personal journey to one connecting to the community at large where your social skills improve along with your yoga practice.
o   Cholesterol:  Yoga practice lowers cholesterol through increased blood circulation and burning fat. Yoga practice is a great tool to fight against harmful cholesterol levels.
o   Lymphatic system:  Your lymphatic system boosts your immunity and reduces toxins in your body. The only way to get your lymphatic system flowing well is by movement. The specific movements involved in yoga are particularly well-suited for promoting a strong lymphatic system.
o   Glucose:  Yoga can lower blood glucose levels.
o   Sodium:  As does any good exercise program, yoga reduces the sodium levels in your body. In today’s world of processed and fast foods that are full of sodium, lessening these levels is a great idea.
o   Endocrine functions:  Practicing yoga helps to regulate and control hormone secretion. An improved endocrine system keeps hormones in balance and promotes better overall physical and emotional health.
o   Red blood cells:  Yoga has been shown to increase the level of red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood, and too few can result in anemia and low energy.
o   Vitamin C:  Vitamin C helps boost immunity, helps produce collagen, and is a powerful antioxidant; and a yoga regimen can increase the vitamin C in your body.
o   Reduced oxygen consumption: Yoga consumes less oxygen than traditional exercise routines, thereby allowing the body to work more efficiently.
o   Breathing: With yoga, breathing is more natural and controlled during exercise. This type of breathing provides more oxygen-rich air for your body and also provides more energy with less fatigue.
o   Balanced workout of opposing muscle groups: As with all of yoga, balance is key. If a muscle group is worked in one direction, it will also be worked in the opposite direction to maintain balance. This balance results in a better overall workout for the body.
o   Non-competitive:  The introspective and self-building nature of yoga removes any need of competition in the exercise regimen. With the lack of competition, you’re free to work slowly to avoid any undue injury as well as promote a more balanced and stress-free workout.
o   Eye-hand coordination:  Without practice, eye-hand coordination diminishes. Yoga maintains and improves eye-hand coordination.
o   Endurance:  Working the entire body, yoga improves endurance and is frequently used by endurance athletes as a supplement to their sport-specific training.
o   Heart disease:  Yoga reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, keeps off weight, and improves cardiovascular health, all of which lead to reducing your risk of heart disease.
o   Osteoporosis:  It is well documented that weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and helps prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, yoga’s ability to lower levels of cortisol may help keep calcium in the bones.
o   Alzheimer’s:  A new study indicates that yoga can help elevate brain gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels. Low GABA levels are associated with the onset of Alzheimer’s. Meditation like that practiced in yoga has also been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.
o   Type II diabetes:  In addition to the glucose reducing capabilities of yoga, it is also an excellent source of physical exercise and stress reduction that, along with the potential for yoga to encourage insulin production in the pancreas, can serve as an excellent preventative for type II diabetes.
o   Asthma: There is some evidence to show that reducing symptoms of asthma and even reduction in asthma medication are the result of regular yoga.
o   Arthritis: The slow, deliberate movement of yoga poses coupled with the gentle pressure exerted on the joints provides an excellent exercise to relieve arthritis symptoms. Also, the stress relief associated with yoga loosens muscles that tighten joints.
o   Cancer: Those fighting or recovering from cancer frequently take advantage of the benefits that yoga provides. Cancer patients, who practice yoga gain strength, raise red blood cells, experience less nausea during chemotherapy, and have a better overall well-being.
o   Muscular dystrophy: Using yoga in the early stages of muscular dystrophy can help return some physical functions. The practice of Pranayama yoga helps regain many abilities lost to muscular dystrophy.
o   Migraines:  Regular yoga practice has been shown to reduce the number of migraines in chronic migraine sufferers.
o   Scoliosis:  Yoga can straighten the curvature of the spine associated with scoliosis.
o   Chronic bronchitis:  Exercise that does not elevate respiration, yet increase oxygen levels in the body is ideal for treating chronic bronchitis. Luckily, yoga can do this, as well as aerate the lungs and provide energy.
o   Epilepsy:  Focusing on stress reduction, breathing, and restoring overall balance in the body are the focus of how yoga can help prevent epileptic seizures.
o   Sciatica: The intense pain associated with sciatica can be alleviated with specific yoga poses.
o   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:  Studies of people with OCD have shown that practicing yoga has lead to a reduction in symptoms–resulting in less medication or medication no longer needed.
o   Constipation:  Due to the practice of yoga and overall better posture, the digestive and elimination systems work more efficiently eliminating any constipation.
o   Menopause:  Yoga practice can help control some of the side effects of menopause. Bridge pose can help reduce hot flashes.
o   Back pain:  Yoga reduces spinal compression and helps overall body alignment to reduce back pain.

So after reading all these health benefits and trust me there’s MANY more… there’s no need to put it off any longer start yoga today!  Even if you start with 10 minutes a day you will see improved benefits.

Yoga is why I’m no longer L and only J 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So besides my love for cinnamon which is still and always will be my #1 staple in my life, I’ve also been having a love affair with COCONUTS!
I’ve been adding coconut to everything from my cheesecake crust to my daily moisturizing routine I just love everything it can be used it's like a little tate or smell of the tropics everyday lol

So I’m a BIT of a health nut and if I love something that means there’s got to be some serious health benefits to go along with it too… and since I love spreading the word about health I’m going to share why I think everyone out there should really start incorporating coconut into their lives J

The coconut provides a nutritious source of meat, juice, milk and oil that has fed and nourished countries around the world for generations. On many islands coconut is a staple in the diet and provides the majority of the food eaten. Nearly 1/3 of the world's population depends on coconut to some degree for their food.

Coconut is VERY nutritious,  rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Coconut oil possesses healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil and is extensively used in traditional medicine around the world. Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness.
In traditional medicine around the world coconut is used to treat a wide variety of health problems including the following: abscesses, asthma, baldness, bronchitis, bruises, burns, colds, constipation, cough, dropsy, dysentery, earache, fever, flu, gingivitis, gonorrhea, irregular or painful menstruation, jaundice, kidney stones, lice, malnutrition, nausea, rash, scabies, scurvy, skin infections, sore throat, swelling, syphilis, toothache, tuberculosis, tumors, typhoid, ulcers, upset stomach, weakness, and wounds.

Modern medical science is now confirming the use of coconut in treating many of the above conditions. Published studies in medical journals show that coconut, in one form or another, may provide a wide range of health benefits. SOME (not ALL) of these are listed below:

1.       Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other illnesses.

2.       Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum disease and
cavities, pneumonia, and gonorrhea, and other diseases.

3.       Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.

4.       Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.

5.       Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.

6.       Boosts energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic performance.

7.       Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

8.       Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.

9.       Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.

10.   Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.

11.   Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.

12.   Reduces problems associated with mal-absorption syndrome and cystic fibrosis.

13.   Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the development of strong bones and teeth.

14.   Helps protect against osteoporosis.

15.   Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.

16.   Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers.

17.   Improves digestion and bowel function.

18.   Relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

19.   Reduces inflammation.

20.   Supports tissue healing and repair.

21.   Supports and aids immune system function.

22.   Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.

23.   Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of heart disease.

24.   Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and thus protects against heart disease.

25.   Helps prevent periodontal disease and tooth decay.

26.   Functions as a protective antioxidant.

27.   Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.

28.   Does not deplete the body's antioxidant reserves like other oils do.

29.   Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them from oxidation.

30.   Helps relieve symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.

31.   Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement).

32.   Reduces epileptic seizures.

33.   Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.

34.   Dissolves kidney stones.

35.   Helps prevent liver disease.

36.   Is lower in calories than all other fats.

37.   Supports thyroid function.

38.   Promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate.

39.   Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to being stored as body fat like other dietary fats.

40.   Helps prevent obesity and overweight problems.

41.   Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin to ward of infection.

42.   Reduces symptoms associated the psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.

43.   Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.

44.   Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.

45.   Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.

46.   Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.

47.   Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

48.   Helps control dandruff.

49.   Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.

50.   Has no harmful or discomforting side effects.

51.   Is completely non-toxic to humans.

Crazy right?! That’s a whole lot of benefits!!!  But the main ones that gets my clients to incorporate it into their lives right away are weight loss, lowers cholesterol, increases metabolism, makes hair and skin extra soft and shiny, and rejuvenates the skin to prevent wrinkles… and what keeps them is the fact that coconut tastes delicious and it’s so easy to use whether it’s in the kitchen or that bathroom J 

Coconut has medium-chain fatty acids a unique group of fats that are absorbed into metabolically active cells, which use them for energy, growth and repair.  These medium-chain fatty acids also neutralize free radicals and reduce cellular inflammation.

The medium-chain fatty acids prompt liver cells to burn fat50% faster.  They also rev the production of white blood cells (infection-fighting) and kill germs on contact…but that’s not it these fatty acids are also great for your glands speeding up the thyroids production of thyroxine, a hormone that speeds the conversion of food into energy, and heals overworked adrenal glands boosting their output of adrenaline.

Coconut water, milk, oil, butters, meat, flakes and the list goes on are now readily available to us now a days so what are you waiting for?  ...oh and I'll have a later post about the beenfits of coconut water after a workout.

If all these benefits haven’t sold you on coconut then maybe you should try some of my amazing coconut cookies or pie lol J

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Break The Fast Already!

So it still shocks me when clients say they don’t eat breakfast, SERIOUSLY?!   Some do it as a means to lose weight, some argue they don’t have time and others are just so used to not eating breakfast that they simply don’t like it or they feel weird eating so early.
Whatever the reason may be skipping breakfast is a recipe for disaster!!

Skipping breakfast has a similar effect to starving yourself. It slows down your metabolism because your body conserves energy and burns only what is absolutely necessary until fuel becomes available. Obviously if you’re trying to lose weight this is the last thing you want.

Skipping breakfast increases your chances of bingeing on whatever is available when those hunger pangs finally hit and when by this time you’re so hungry that you will eat ANYTHING and not think twice about it.

Skipping breakfast makes you grouchy. Studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be in better moods. Breakfast gets you started on the right track for the day.

The consequences of not eating a healthy breakfast don't just affect you during the morning hours before lunch. It is proven that they have an impact on you all day long:
•Tiredness or likelihood of experiencing fatigue early in the day
•Inability to focus
•Decreased alertness
•Less memory capacity
•Higher chance of irritability or restlessness

If our brain is not fed, it will act in a slow and sluggish manner, which will impact greatly on the rest of our body.
The brain requires glucose or blood sugar to provide it with energy to function, whilst the muscles of our body need glucose to activate them and get the body working physically.
Our body needs a healthy breakfast packed full of vitamins and nutrients whilst also providing energy and fuel for the brain

Breakfast is your first opportunity of the day to fuel your body and wakeup your metabolism to start burning the most calories possible. Your choices are not limited to cereal, eggs, or muffins. You can pretty much have anything for breakfast, whether it’s leftovers from the night before anything goes really possibilities are endless so long as you don’t reach for junk food first thing but that’s a whole different topic in itself lol
There's always time for breakfast. If you don't think you have the time, you may just have to plan ahead or think outside the box to fit breakfast into your routine. By taking a few minutes out of your evening the night before, you can prepare simple things or lay items out for breakfast the next day. For instance, a breakfast casserole can be made the night before and provide a good for breakfast the next two or three days or fruit can be cut up and prepared to take with you with some nuts.  Planning ahead can save you from filling up on empty calories that your body will end up storing as fat.
Try and consume some form of protein in the morning, as protein balances blood sugar levels; studies have also proven that concentration levels are enhanced if some form of protein in consumed during the breakfast meal. Excellent sources of protein, which can be incorporated into your breakfast are eggs, nuts, seeds, whey protein powders, quinoa, and you can even have a piece of fish or chicken. Eggs are a particularly rich source of choline (B vitamin), which the body converts into acetyl-choline, a neurotransmitter found in the brain. Eating a protein packed filling healthy breakfast ensures you will not resort to unhealthy choices for the rest of the day and keep your brain on the right track J
For those of you who really don't like to eat breakfast, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Eat a hardboiled egg at home, and an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy nuts like pecans or walnuts.  Do it and notice the difference!
I usually get really wound up about this topic especially when clients cry to me about wanting to lose weight and blame it on “hormones” “menopause” “slow metabolism” …. meanwhile they’re skipping the most important meal of the day!  I don’t like excuses because I think everyone can make it possible to have something for breakfast.  Personally I wake up and I don’t leave my house unless I’ve had my breakfast which is normally an egg white psyllium fiber cinnamon crepe that I top with different fruit (I <3 my breakfast) and if I’m really super pressed for time which happens I’ll have a few table spoons of shelled hemp heart seeds and I’m good to go!
So stop SKIPPING BREAKFAST PEOPLE!!!!  It’s for your own good  
Oh and I've got tons of yummy breakfast recipes that I will add soon ... blueberry protein pancakes, coconut quinoa porridge, protein cinnamon french toast, quinoa muffins, coconut egg white souffle YUM!!! stay tuned for these J 

Monday, December 12, 2011

First Post :)

Hello world!!

I've been saying for far too long now that I'm going to start a blog seeing as I have tons of tips on health, wellness, weight loss, exercising, fitness, and yummy food!

So I’m going to start my new blog with one of my favorite things in the world and anyone who knows me personally will agree… CINNAMON! I love Cinnamon!  Not only does it make everything taste better but it has a plethora of health benefits too.
Its the first thing I tell all my clients to add to their diets and lives.  I'm sure after reading this you'll see why.

Below are 25 health benefits of my favorite spice in the world: 

1. Lowers Cholesterol:
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon included in a daily diet can lower cholesterol.
Also Cinnamon may significantly lower LDL "bad" cholesterol, and triglycerides (fatty acids in the blood) and total cholesterol.
2. Reduces blood sugar levels and treating Type 2 Diabetes:
Several studies have shown improved insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control by taking as little as ½ teaspoon of cinnamon per day. Improving insulin resistance can help in weight control as well as decreasing the risk for heart disease.
3. Heart Disease:
Cinnamon strengthens the cardiovascular system thereby shielding the body from heart related disorders. It is believed that the calcium and fiber present in cinnamon provides protection against heart diseases.
Including a little cinnamon in the food helps those suffering from coronary artery disease and high blood pressure.
4. Fights Cancer:
A study released by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland showed that cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
Besides, the combination of calcium and fiber found in Cinnamon can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells, thus prevents colon cancer.
5. Tooth decay and mouth freshener:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath. Small pieces of cinnamon can be chewed, or gargled with cinnamon water which serves as a good mouth freshener.
6. Cures Respiratory Problems:
Cinnamon is very useful home remedy for common or severe colds. A person suffering should take one tablespoon of honey with 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder daily for 3 days. This process will cure most chronic cough, cold and clear the sinuses.
Cinnamon also found to cure flu, influenza, sore throat and congestion.
7. Brain Tonic:
Cinnamon boosts the activity of the brain and hence acts as a good brain tonic. It helps in removing nervous tension and memory loss.
Also, studies have shown that smelling cinnamon may boost cognitive function, memory, performance of certain tasks and increases one's alertness and concentration.
8. Infections:
Due to its antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and antiseptic properties, it is effective on external as well as internal infections. Cinnamon has been found to be effective in fighting vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, stomach ulcers and head lice.
9. Eases menstruation cycles:
Cinnamon has also been found useful for women's health as it helps in providing relief from menstrual cramping and other feminine discomforts.
10. Birth Control:
Cinnamon also helps in natural birth control. Regular consumption of cinnamon after child birth delays menstruation and thus helps in avoiding conception.
11. Breastfeeding:
It is also believed that cinnamon aids in the secretion of breast milk.
12. Reduces Arthritis Pain:
Cinnamon spice contains anti-inflammatory compounds which can be useful in reducing pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.
A study conducted at Copenhagen University, where patients were given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month
13. Digestive Tonic:
Cinnamon should be added to most recipes. Apart from adding flavor to the food, it also aids in digestion. Cinnamon is very effective for indigestion, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, diarrhea and flatulence. It is very helpful in removing gas from the stomach and intestines. It also removes acidity, diarrhea and morning sickness. It is often referred to as a digestive tonic.
14. Reduces Urinary tract infections:
People who eat cinnamon on a regular basis report a lower incidence of urinary tract infections. Cinnamon is diuretic in nature and helps in secretion and discharge of urine.
15. Anti-clotting Actions:
A compound found in Cinnamon called as cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. [Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make the blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much]. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets.
16. Natural Food Preserver:
When added to food, it prevents bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
17. Headaches and migraine:
Headache due to the exposure to cold wind is readily cured by applying a thin paste of powdered cinnamon mixed in water on the temples & forehead.
18. Pimples and Blackheads:
Cinnamon helps in removing blood impurities. Therefore it is often recommended for pimples.
Also external application of paste of cinnamon powder with a few drops of fresh lemon juice over pimples & black heads would give beneficial result.
19. Thinning of the blood and improves blood circulation:
Cinnamon is a blood thinning agent which also acts to increase circulation. This blood circulation helps significantly in removing pain. Good blood circulation also ensures oxygen supply to the body cells leading to higher metabolic activity. You significantly reduce the chance of getting a heart attack by regularly consuming cinnamon.
20. Toning of tissues:
Considerable anecdotal evidence exists to suggest that cinnamon may have the ability to tone and constrict tissues in the body.
21. Muscle and joint pain relief:
Those who eat cinnamon on a regular basis often report that their muscle and joint pain, as well as stiffness, is reduced or even eliminated.
22. Immune System:
Honey and cinnamon paste is good for boosting the immune system, removing regular fatigue and increasing the longevity of an individual. It is also known to have anti-aging properties.
23. Itching:
Paste of honey and cinnamon is often used to treat insect bites.
24. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.
25. Healing: Cinnamon helps in stopping bleeding. Therefore it facilitates the healing process

I always have ground cinnamon on me just in case LOL, true story I’ve been known to pull it out of my purse at a restaurant, movie theater or someone's house and concoct my own topping… so don’t be embarrassed keep your cinnamon close by too, you never know when you’ll need to spice things up J